The CAVE Approach© can be applied in the educational sector on an organizational level as described in the section ‘Organizations’, but it can also be applied to specifically serve and support this sector’s developmental and pedagogical goals. Through virtues’ development, children can learn to think, behave and act in ways that promote their personal eudaimonia and sustainable development of humanity, and, hence, they will be able to evolve into efficient HD and SD agents. Although the CAVE Approach© was initially designed for adults, it has been adapted to serve the above purpose. Specifically, the theoretical framework, the overall outline and the rationale of its methodology remain the same, but the various parts of its methodology have been adapted to address the needs of pupils at different developmental ages, i.e. 9-12 yrs and 12-18 yrs old. Therefore, the CAVE Approach© for children aims to help them understand and embrace the virtues (ethiki agogi) they need to “live a long, healthy and creative life”, in a structured and systematic way.
Consequently, the CAVE Approach© in elementary schools aims to help children to:
- Realize how important they are in shaping their future and the future of next generations, and learn to think and act responsibly as agents and beneficiaries of HD, from an early age
- Value, respect and exercise their freedom of choice to promote their individual wellbeing and the common good
- Set individual goals and make everyday choices that promote both their individual wellbeing and the common good
- Develop a mindset that promotes continuous improvement and excellence, utilizing in the best way the available means and resources
- Develop and exercise their critical thinking, while consolidating logic with moral criteria
- Acquire timeless and widely applying criteria to discern what is right or wrong in every given situation applying their judgment
- Learn to be more conscious of their attitudes and behaviors
Accordingly, relevant adaptations are made to reach adolescents’ developmental needs in secondary schools, high schools and colleges.
As for academia and the research field, the CAVE Approach© can also be used as a tool for academic students’ personal (professional and social) and career development to:
- Thoughtfully make the right choices regarding their further studies and career, which are the choices that best promote their individual wellbeing and the common good, while making the best use of all available capabilities.
- Increase their employability by: developing an awareness of their virtues’ profile and its impact on specific basic professional skills; receiving guidance and support to improve the virtues and hence advance their professional skills; developing the capability to continually self-monitor and improve the virtues and professional performance throughthem; and developing a mindset that promotes personal responsibility and excellence.
- Improve their citizenship by developing an understanding of their role and responsibility in shaping the conditions of society through every single behavior, action, attitude and choice in everyday life, and by acquiring a structured way to consciously and cohesively serve the foundations of our global society such as Democracy, Justice, Social Cohesion, Social Solidarity etc. through the application of the virtues in everyday life.
Learn more about the CAVE Sustainable Leadership solutions.