Sustainable Tourism Program

Sustainable tourism services aim to offer people the chance to be introduced to the CAVE Approach© while acquiring a wider experience of the ancient classical and modern Greek culture, and enjoying creative leisure times. These services are provided under the Human Development (HD) Tourism Program we have designed which connects nature, modern culture and the tangible cultural heritage met in museums, archeological places etc. to the Aristotelian virtues and sustainability. The HD Tourism program contributes to the universal project “World Virtues for World Vitality(WVWV) in which world’s communities might participate with similar approaches relying on their intangible cultural heritage and their corresponding HD Tourism Programs, aiming to the creation of a common universal sustainable culture.

Our Sustainable Tourism program includes three different types of services in order to best address your unique needs and preferences:

Standard Experience: Athens Calling

You can experience the Greek culture and learn about the Aristotelian virtues and how you can live a eudaimonic life, by choosing a very unique way to spend your days in Athens.
In a 4-day program, you will discover the secrets of eudaimonic life and it’s connection to sustainability. Dining at astonishing Athenian roof terraces, being guided to mystical spots of the historical centre of Athens, exploring the Acropolis Museum and participating in other recreational activities will offer you the opportunity to elaborate on the notion of the eudaimonic life and experience the Greek culture with all your five senses.
For your residence you can choose micro luxury studios or a 4 or 5-star boutique hotel, where comfort and minimal design meet tradition. We guarantee that our suggestions for your accommodation will be something to remember. Prices differ according to the accommodation options you select.

Exclusive Services

We offer you the opportunity to suit the CAVE Approach© to your own needs, and help you design the program that best accomodates your particular needs and preferences. Learn about how the CAVE Approach© can help you attain sustainable balance, while sightseeing, enjoying breakfast at a luxurious boutique hotel, cruising or even sailing! Whether you are spending family vacations, organizing a weekend getaway with friends, planning a company conference, or on a business trip with clients and colleagues, now you have the opportunity to discover the CAVE Approach© via our customized exclusive services.

In addition to the amenities offered with the Standard Experience and depending on the season, you can choose any extra service or activity from the list below:

  • Tailor-made Workshops & Seminars
  • Private lectures
  • On the spot (individual and/or group) dialectic sessions
  • Aristotelian Symposiums
  • Athletic activities
  • Scuba Diving
  • Sailing & Cruises
  • Wellness & Relaxation services
  • Any combination of the above

Pilgrimage to Eudaimonia

We organize trips to key destinations that are related to living a long, healthy and creative life.
The next destination for 2023 is Ithaca, the Greek island associated with purpose and the journey of life, where your thoughts, mind and body will be revitalized by a cultural experience incorporating the CAVE Approach© principles. The cognitive learning of the Aristotelian virtues is combined with various activities including trekking, trips to local villages, swimming at wonderful beaches, and visits to archeological sites.

Please bear in mind that requests should be made one year in advance.

For further information on how we can make your leisure time activities a unique life changing experience, contact us at today!

Dear Guests, welcome!
You are standing at the threshold of a journey, the most beautiful and meaningful journey in the world; the journey of your eudaimonic life. It is the journey that I travel as a citizen, mother, friend, colleague and in every other role in my life to discover and enjoy the wonderful opportunities to create my happiness. What is amazing in this journey is that while I try to create my own happiness, I practically contribute to the achievement of what once seemed to me an unrealistic dream; a world that is a fulfilling and safe place to live, a united world, inhabited by friendly people that are fair to each other and enjoy living in peace with each other, who care for their wellbeing while being socially responsible, who are efficient in achieving meaningful and valuable advancements, who care about creating better conditions for the next generations and humanity as a whole. Suddenly, I realized that it is my responsibility to create the world I dream of, and that to create it I do not need to do anything more than just be committed to living a eudaimonic life. This is what eudaimonic life is all about; individual wellbeing and common good, which together lead to the sustainable development of societies and humanity as a whole.

I cannot say it is always a pleasant journey, because it also requires effort and commitment. Nothing comes easily in this life, much less our happiness. On the other hand, what is my other option? Just lie back and let 'circumstances', past conditioning, unconsciously established thinking patterns, luck and anything other than my logical consciousness drive my happiness... or unhappiness, and impact other people's, the community's, even the world's happiness...or unhappiness. I have made my choice. My happiness, my eudaimonia is my most important goal in my life. This is my number one priority: not to be professionally successful, but to do so in a way that will promote my happiness; not to make money, but to earn it and to use it in a way that will promote my happiness; not to get married and have kids, but to do so in a way that will promote my happiness etc. The development of the Aristotelian virtues of the CAVE Approach© is my way to happiness, and the CAVE Approach© is my contribution to other people that are interested and determined to be happy, promoting their individual wellbeing and the common good, as it offers structured guidance and support in such endeavours.

Travelers of this journey might be considered as romantic fools or intelligent social reformers. Again, it is a matter of a virtue, specifically Judgment, to assess which one is true, and which is not. My Judgment, which I hope for the sake of all is well-developed, suggests the second is true.
As I mentioned in the beginning of this message, you might be at the threshold of a journey (if you are not already travelling on it). I really hope that you will pass over the threshold and travel on this journey with the rest of us who do believe that "our Happiness depends upon us" as Aristotle said, and that we can make the world a better place for us and next generations by just trying to live our lives well.
Thank you for stopping by, and I wish you a flourishing life!
Anastasia Moira